Use Case
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Use Case

Acquisition has a new look, and it starts and ends on social

The new era of marketing starts with social, and ends with social

Growth and acquisition strategies used to focus on on corralling all your potential customers into a single funnel. As social platforms break off into their own commerce ecosystems, that strategy just doesn't make sense anymore.

In the new era of marketing, your can now hyper-personalize the customer journey on each channel, even converting them on their favorite app.

This era is called social commerce. You've seen it pop up left and right, (and probably already deployed a tactic or two) but it's the name of this current change in the ecosystem.

What exactly is social commerce? In short, it's using social media platforms to sell products or services. Your brand is already using these strategies, from a post about your product on Instagram and including a link to buy it in your bio, setting up a Facebook shop, or using Pinterest to drive traffic to your website.

But to take it a step further, the most overlooked and underrated star of social commerce is conversation, at scale.

Automated messaging between your brand and audience allow for instant and personalized connection. There you can capture your growing audience, nurturing them into customers with relevant messaging and super short journeys. Strong strategies can arise out of this new opportunity to connect on an owned channel, tweaking offers and messaging from real results and behaviors.

Platforms are changing their algorithms to favor this type of connection, and users are becoming more accustomed to making purchases through social media.

To get ahead of this digital transformation, and start boosting your brand's online growth, social commerce will have to be taken up, one way or another.